We may be wondering what landscaping chores are in queue as we watch our lawns and trees green-up with the arrival of spring. If you discover winter damage to your hedge, now is the time to sharpen your clippers and remove tattered or broken limbs. It’s time to clean up planting beds and check your drip irrigation system. A test run of your water supply is a good idea before the summer heat arrives and your crop is at production stage. If you’re putting in a new lawn, prepare the ground for your turf or seed so it can settle in over April and May as the ground warms up and roots grow in.
Planting Trees
The best time to plant a bare rooted tree is in the fall, while the ground is still warm, but we understand that building your home or designing new landscapes aren’t always managed on a plant-friendly schedule. Plant the bare roots immediately upon unwrapping. If your tree roots are packed in damp sawdust, don’t put the sawdust into the hole. Compact the soil to eliminate air pockets and water until you are sure the roots are soaking, then add mulch on top to stabilize the temperature and add nutrients to the soil through decomposition. If you’re planting on a slope, form the soil at the base of the tree into a berm as a water reservoir. You’ll want to make sure you plant the tree straight, as trying to straighten a tree after it matures is very difficult, and even impossible in some cases without damaging the tree.

Announcing our spring sale!
15% off all services for Salmon Arm, Vernon and Kelowna until May 31, 2021
Hazardous Trees Removals
Did you know one of the biggest culprits for roof damage is falling tree limbs? It may seem like the trees around your house are healthy, but some problems hide inside trees making them weak and prone to falling. If you are unsure about the condition of the trees on your property, call us for a customized quote and on-site assessment. Removing dangerous trees is a safety concern first and foremost, but secondly, can save you thousands on vehicle or property repairs. We’ll assess the health of your trees and make recommendations based on safety values. Your assessment will advise on the best way to take care of your mature trees, including pruning, crowning or deep root fertilization. Going into spring with strong healthy trees gives you months of trouble-free pleasure as you watch them produce healthy new growth.
Municipal and commercial queries are welcome. We have full WCB coverage and over 40 years of experience in our industry. Our certified utility arborists are ready to work for you, maximizing the safety of parks, roadways and commercial settings.
Call Pine Valley Tree Service and Landscaping to talk with one of our dedicated tree specialists. We have over 40 years of experience serving the communities of southwest BC and work throughout the winter for hazardous tree removals, site preparations and utility arborist services.