Welcome to the World’s Largest Forest
Canada is home to a section of the world’s largest forest in the world – the boreal forest, wrapping around the northern hemisphere. This...
Why Forests Smell Fresh in the Autumn
Have you ever wondered why forests have that rich deep scent in the fall? We’re all thankful for fresh clean air after a summer of...
Our Fall Tree Services
There’s no doubt that we live in a beautiful part of the world, and this time of year is even more exceptional in Southwest BC as leaves...
Nut Trees for Urban Environments
Planting nut trees like the popular chestnut, hazel nut, or hard-shelled varieties – butternuts, heartnuts and buartnuts provide healthy...
How long do trees live?
The answer to this question relies on the species of tree and environmental growing conditions. The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine can reach...
Seasonal Tree Care – Summer Checklist
Help your trees maintain their health with a seasonal checklist. Prune Inspect Soil Care Prepare Your Trees Prune: When pruning trees in...
When to remove a hazardous tree
Like all living things, trees have a natural lifespan. Pine trees, for example, live on an average of 50 to 450 years. Cottonwood trees,...
How Trees Filter Air
How do trees filter the air we breathe? Trees clean the air and improve our air quality. They exhale the oxygen we need to breathe while...
Fire Suppression Services in BC
One spark can set off an out-of-control forest fire capable of destroying farms, livestock, valuable timber and our homes. Grass and...
Love those shade trees!
Which trees make the best shade? We’re glad you asked. Fast growing, towering thick canopied trees block damaging UV and …
Flowering Dogwood Trees
The Flowering Dogwood’s (Pacific Dogwood) blossom is BC’s floral emblem, and it’s illegal to pick the flowers. They are small trees when...
Will sapsuckers kill my trees?
Although sapsuckers drill holes in horizontal lines in tree bark, it’s unlikely they’ll hurt the tree over time, and in the meantime,...
Trees Need Pollinators
There are thousands of domestic bee colonies across the province, and interest is growing as we learn the importance of protecting them...
All About Oak Trees
There are over 500 species of the magnificent oak growing in Europe, China, Asia, North Africa, Mexico and North America. European...
Spring Tree and Landscaping Services
We may be wondering what landscaping chores are in queue as we watch our lawns and trees green-up with the arrival of spring. If you...