Nestled in the lush landscapes of southern British Columbia, Pine Valley Tree Service is dedicated to enhancing crop production and the health of our fruit trees. This region, renowned for its fertile valleys and pristine lakes, provides perfect soil and climate...
A certified arborist is a professional who has achieved a level of knowledge and expertise in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining trees. Certification is usually granted by a recognized body, such as the International Society of Arboriculture...
With the fire season approaching, ensuring your property is prepared can be the difference between preservation and devastation. The team at Pine Valley Tree Service and Landscaping, leveraging over forty years of expertise in forest fire defense, shares their...
In the vibrant landscape of the North Okanagan, particularly around Vernon, BC, the diversity of tree species weaves a beautiful tapestry across its terrain. This area is home to a variety of trees, foremost among them being the majestic Ponderosa Pine, known for its...
The weeping willow, with its cascading branches, is a fixture of many of our local shorelines. Cultivating a weeping willow allows you to become part of the tree’s history, which can span up to half a century. They thrive when planted close to water, such as...